“woRldnews” is a R package that allows users to search for top news in 50 countries and millions of articles from over 80,000 large and small news sources and blogs in real time. Users can do relevant searches using two distinct “shiny” apps. Users may search top headlines in fifty countries with the first “shiny” app. Users can use the second app to search for articles that they are interested in fifteen languages.
woRldnews can be installed with devtools to get the most recent production version from GitHub:
#install.packages('devtools') # if devtools is not already installed
Examples and Usage
Welcome to woRldnews! Before you can search for news and articles in R, you’ll need to create a free account at [Newsapi.org] (https://newsapi.org) and acquire an apikey by using “get_apikey” function.
Newsapi will assign you an apikey. You can save this apikey to .Renviron file for future use. “save_apikey” function creates a project .Renviron file and save your apikey in it.
Using woRldnews
To do relevant searches, you use runshiny function:
When you run this function, you’ll receive the shiny widget below:
If user selects, “Top-headlines”, they will see the interface as following:
Choose between “articles” and “top headlines” in the first box to determine the sort of search you wish to conduct. Then choose between “Manually” and “From.Renviron” from the second box to enter the apikey. If you want to search for articles, enter the term, choose the language, and sort by. You can limit your search to certain dates in the last 30 days. You receive the search results in a table format with 20 articles including title, description, content, url, author and publication date. If you want to search for headlines, enter the country, and choose the country. You receive the search results in a table format with 20 top headlines including title, description, content, url, author and publication date. By clicking the url you can access related websites.
Above it the sample search results of top-headlines on sports in the USA.
Above is the sample search results of articles on the keyword “tesla” in the time period of last 30 days.
For more details, see the vignette.